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List of Cashback Rate Per Category

Click the up arrow to see the Cashback Rate per Category (Cashback Rates are subject to change without prior notice)

Category New Customers Rate Returning Customers Rate
New Customers 0.0% - 10.5%% 0.0% - 10.5%%
Existing Customers 0.0% - 3.5%% 0.0% - 3.5%%
Terms & Conditions
  1. Please note that In-app purchases via the Shein App are NOW eligible for cashback.
  2. All payment methods, including COD are permitted.
  3. Unless stated in this Refunds and Return Policy, Buyer may not apply for the return of the Item and/or refund due to a change of mind.
  4. The Buyer and Seller will discuss and mutually agree on who will bear the logistic cost of returning the Item
  5. Returned items reported late by the merchants, and have cashbacks already credited to the user may lead to deductions in future cashback disbursements to reflect the late merchant adjustment.
  6. Cashback/points will be awarded in 60-90 days.
  7. Merchant has the final say in the approval and validation of each transactions. Rejected and Invalid transactions are NOT eligible for cashback.
  8. Cashback is only applicable to website purchases only.
  9. Please note that all return/refund requests must be made within SHEIN's return period.