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No available promos for this store

Terms & Conditions
  1. If you booked a hotel, car, or activity, the refund will be processed within 48 hours of the cancellation request. The time until the refund is available on your card is dependent on the issuer. To check the status of your refund, please contact the issuing bank or your credit card provider.
  2. For flights, most refunds are issued within 12 weeks. Some refunds could take a bit longer, depending on the airline.
  3. For packages, refunds for the hotel, car, or activity portion will be processed within 48 hours of the cancellation request. The time until the refund is available on your card is dependent on the issuer. To check the status of your refund, please contact the issuing bank or your credit card provider. The flight portion could take 12 weeks or longer.
  4. Returned items reported late by the merchants, and have cashbacks already credited to the user may lead to deductions in future cashback disbursements to reflect the late merchant adjustment.
  5. Awarding of cashback or points will be done after the booking or travel activity has been consumed.
  6. Cashback/points will be awarded in 60-90 days.